National Assembly Standing Committee meets on legal affairs

VOV.VN - The 51st session of the National Assembly Standing Committee opened in Hanoi on December 9 with NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan in the chair.

During the three-day sitting, lawmakers will give opinions on the revised law on drug prevention and control, and consider adopting the revised draft ordinance on preferences for those who rendered great services to the nation.

They will decide on the restructuring of administrative organisations in a number of localities, including the establishment of a people’s court and a people’s procuracy of Thu Duc City within Ho Chi Minh City.

The committee will review external affairs of NA bodies in 2020 and endorse the work for 2021.

It will also examine preparations for the 2021 general election scheduled to take place in May.

Vietnamese people will cast their ballots to elect deputies to the next National Assembly and local People’s Councils on May 23, 2021.

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