Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong – the torchbearer for Vietnamese diplomacy

VOV.VN - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, in his capacity as the head of the Communist Party of Vietnam and even the State sometime, left a strong mark on Vietnam’s diplomatic sector as the leader, dubbed the torchbearer for Vietnamese diplomacy, contributed to helping the country to stand firm amid global challenges and to raise its position internationally.

According to Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son, under the leadership and direction of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat led by General Secretary Trong, the foreign affairs of the Party and State reaped many important gains of historical significance which can therefore be viewed as an impressive point in the overall achievements recorded by the country.

The Party leader, along with the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat, creatively applied relevant guidelines and policies of the Party and State in directing important foreign affairs issues, closely and correctly anticipating situations and properly handling foreign relations in an appropriate manner.

One of his legacies was the “bamboo diplomacy” policy which helped Vietnam to stand firm amidst global challenges and to elevate the country’s role and position on the international scene. Vietnam has so far established a comprehensive strategic partnership, which is the highest level in diplomacy, with seven global partners, including the three world powers of China, Russia, and the United States. In his speech delivered at the 13th National Party Congress in early 2021, General Secretary Trong affirmed that, “Vietnam has never had the capacity, position and international reputation it has today.”

By inheriting, applying, and creatively developing Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s ideology into the art of diplomacy and the country’s development conditions in the modern age, this diplomatic policy served to bolster national interests. Indeed, the bamboo roots are attached to the ground and not broken in storms, while bamboo trunks are sturdy and flexible. This is the perfect analogy for Vietnamese diplomacy.

Such a foreign policy is steadfast in principles, but also creative, clever, and flexible in terms of strategy which seeks to promote solidarity and compassion, while resolutely and persistently protecting national interests, according to Foreign Minister Son.

To stand firm in an increasingly complicated and changing world, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Dy Nien points out that the country took necessary steps in the art of diplomacy, with Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong playing an important role in outlining relevant directions. 

Indeed, the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat under the leadership of General Secretary Trong all issued many resolutions, conclusions, and directives on building and perfecting a coherent Vietnamese foreign policy during the Doi Moi (Renewal) process. In addition to inheriting and promoting the foreign affairs achievements of previous periods and creatively applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomatic ideology, resolutions, conclusions, and directives on foreign affairs have all seen new developments in thinking as well as changes to the leadership and direction on foreign affairs of the Party since the 11th National Party Congress.

According to the former Foreign Minister, the most important thing in diplomacy is building trust in each other. In the eyes of foreign friends, Vietnam can be viewed as a sincere friend due to its adopted “4 Nos” defence policy. It has developed good relations with partners, working as a reliable member of the international community with all countries worldwide. In addition, the country has also made practical contributions to international activities by sending officers and engineers to peacekeeping missions in Africa, which in turn has won international acclaims, including high appreciation from the UN Secretary General.

“I think that our recent steps on foreign affairs taken by us are very great. We may still have many difficulties in socio-economic development, but in terms of foreign affairs, we have stood on a high level,” says former Minister Nien.

Though the Party leader passed away recently, the legacies left behind are extremely valuable to the revolutionary cause of the Vietnamese Party and nation. His contributions will continue to serve as the driving force for Vietnam’s foreign affairs to overcome challenges in a volatile world at present.

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