Hanoi sees highest first-half growth rate in four years

Hanoi recorded an economic growth rate of 7.8% in the first half of 2015 – the fastest pace in the same period of the last four years, revealed the 13th sitting of the 14th municipal People’s Council. 

At the three-day meeting, Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen The Thao reported that local inflation was curbed and budget revenue exceeded 50% of estimates in the first two quarters. 

A number of key infrastructure facilities were put into use, such as the Nhat Tan and Dong Tru bridges and the expanded section of National Road 5, helping foster the capital city’s growth, he added. 

Concluding the sitting on July 8, Chairwoman of the Hanoi People’s Council Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc said Council Members reviewed the implementation of the council’s Resolution on socio-economic affairs, security-defence and budget collection and spending between January and June. They also set orientations for the remaining months of the year. 

The People’s Council adopted a Resolution on policies for carrying out the hi-tech agriculture development programme from 2016 to 2020. It also questioned officials of the municipal People’s Committee and departments about pressing issues of public concern, including urban planning and management, agriculture and rural areas and education-training, she noted. 

All Council Members agreed on the establishment of the Department of Tourism separate from the current Department of the Culture, Sports and Tourism and passed a resolution naming 19 new streets, Ngoc added.
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