Dak Lak coffee available in 80 markets overseas

(VOV) - Coffee bean and instant coffee processors in the Central Highland province of Dak Lak have exported products to 80 countries and territories worldwide, 20 more markets than the beginning of this year.

Germany, Japan, the US, Switzerland, the Republic of Korea, India, Spain, Indonesia, and Russia are Dak Lak’s largest coffee bean consumers, making up 64% of the province’s total export volume.

Harvesting coffee in the Central Highlands

Coffee beans are Dak Lak’s major export item, contributing largely to its coffee export earnings of over US$440 million since January 2014, meeting nearly 60% of the yearly plan.

The September 2 Import-Export Company Limited (Simexco Dak Lak), the leading coffee bean exporter in the province, has expanded outlets to Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines and other Asian markets, alongside traditional consumers of Britain, France, the US, Spain, Poland and Germany.

The company has so far this year shipped 73,657 tonnes of coffee beans to 50 countries and territories, earning more than US$147 million, an increase of 114% compared to the same period last year.

To improve coffee quality to meet importers’ requirements, Dak Lak has taken synchronous measures, from variety selection to planting, tending and harvesting, using the wet processing technology.

The province has expanded sustainable production of coffee applying international farming models such as UTZ Certified, Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade and the Common Code for the Coffee Community (4 C coffee), to meet traders and roasters’ requirements. 

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