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Submitted by unname1 on Tue, 09/06/2011 - 17:31
Libyan forces have massed outside a pro-Gaddafi desert town that has refused to surrender, building a field hospital in preparation for a possible last stand.

On-off talks involving tribal elders from Bani Walid, south of Tripoli, and a fog of contradictory messages in recent days, reflect the complexities of dismantling the Gaddafi regime and building a new political system.

At a military checkpoint some 60 km north of the town on the road to the capital, Abdallah Kanshil, who is running talks for the interim government, told journalists a peaceful handover was coming soon. Nevertheless, a dozen vehicles carrying NTC fighters arrived at the checkpoint.

"The surrender of the city is imminent," he said on Monday. "It is a matter of avoiding civilian casualties. Some snipers have surrendered their weapons ... Our forces are ready."

Similar statements have been made for days, however. With communications cut, there was no word from inside Bani Walid.

Forces loyal to the National Transitional Council (NTC) are also trying to squeeze Gaddafi loyalists out of his home town of Sirte, on the coast, and a swathe of territory in the desert.


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