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Submitted by unname1 on Mon, 12/05/2011 - 09:10
The new government on December 4 adopted a package of emergency austerity measures aimed at fending off bankruptcy and saving the euro from collapse.  

Taxes on the assets of the wealthy will go up, as will pension ages. There will be a major drive to tackle tax evasion.

Prime Minister Mario Monti said the measures were necessary to "save Italy", and announced he would give up his own salary as part of the effort. The plans must still be approved by the Italian parliament.

Mr Monti will outline the measures in full to lawmakers on December 5, but a few elements have already been announced.

Pension ages will rise to 62 for women and 66 for men, and most payments will be unlinked from inflation. The pension age for women will rise to 66 from 2018.

The minister in charge of pension reform broke down and cried as she tried to spell out the detail of the changes. In all, the austerity package is estimated to represent US$26.8billion of savings from now until 2014.

German Chancellor Angela is due to meet French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris on December 5 to outline joint proposals on closer ties between eurozone economies which they announced last week.

Eurozone leaders have warned the bloc is entering a decisive phase in its bid to resolve the debt crisis. They are due to meet on Thursday and Friday in Brussels to try to agree a broader rescue plan.


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