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Submitted by unname1 on Mon, 08/22/2011 - 10:28
Gaza militants agreed to a cease-fire with Israel to stop three days of violence, a Hamas official said on August 22, after a deadly attack on Israelis near the Egypt-Israel border set off a round of Israeli airstrikes and rocket barrages from Gaza.

The sudden flare-up also threatened Israel-Egypt relations, after Egypt said five of its policemen were killed by Israeli fire as Israel's troops and aircraft pursued the militants responsible for killing eight people on August 19. Egypt complained strongly as thousands demonstrated in Cairo, and Israel apologized.

The senior Hamas official said on the afternoon of August 22 that militant groups in Gaza agreed that the truce would go into effect on the evening of August 22. Hamas security personnel would enforce the agreement brokered by Egypt, the official said. He said Egypt told the groups that Israel would agree to halt its airstrikes only if the Palestinians stopped the rocket fire first.

A spokesman for Israel's government would not comment, and it was unclear if the cease-fire indeed had the backing of all of Gaza's armed factions.

Palestinian rocket fire and Israeli airstrikes continued hours after the cease-fire was to take effect at 9 p.m. local time.


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