Vietnamese goods introduced in Myanmar

The 2014 Vietnam -Myanmar Trade, Service, Tourism Fair (Ho Chi Minh City Expo) kicked off in Yangon city, Myanmar on June 26, displaying a variety of wares from leading Vietnamese businesses.

The third of its kind held in Myanmar, the five-day event provides a good chance for Vietnamese firms to seek partners and establish a commodity distribution channel in the Myanmar market. 

On show at 115 stands are a wide range of products ranging from processed food, plastics and home appliances to garment-textile, cosmetics, footwear, timber products and interior decorations.

Myanmar consumers also have an opportunity to enjoy Vietnamese dishes at more than 20 food stalls. 

At the opening ceremony, Vice Chairwoman of the HCM City People’s Committee Nguyen Thi Hong said that the event shows the determination and strong commitment of the city’s leaders and businesses to identifying themselves to the Myanmar market. 

Many products from famous Vietnamese firms such Sai Gon cosmetics, Vissan processed food, Dien Quang electrical goods, Dai Dong Tien plastics and Gia Dinh textiles drew attention of Myanmar consumers during the first day. 

Exhibitors are also offering promotional programmes with a hope of further promoting their goods.

The same day, a workshop promoting investment, trade and tourism between the two countries was held in the headquarters of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers and Industry.

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