Vietnam hopes for Canada’s assistance in co-operative development: official

Vietnam wishes to continue to receive Canada's sharing, cooperation, and consultation in the upcoming events to continue to develop and replicate successful co-operative models to more localities, said an official.

Phung Quoc Chi, head of the Cooperative Development Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment, made the statement at an online workshop held on October 6. The workshop, which was co-organised by the agency and the Vietnam Co-operative Enterprise Development Project (VCEDP), discussed Canada’s experience on cooperative law.  

Addressing the event, Chi said the Canadian Government has joined many cooperation activities in promoting the collective economy and cooperatives movement in Vietnam for many years.

Via the VCEDP, Canada has helped Vietnam build many cooperative models that operate effectively following the nature and standards of the current modern ones recognised in the world, he noted.

Brian Allemekinders, head of Cooperation and Development at the Embassy of Canada in Vietnam, said the two nations share a long standing and close collaboration in socio-economic development, particularly the growth of the co-operative movement in Vietnam for improving farmers’ living standards and competitiveness.

Regarding the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s current responsibility for reviewing 10 years of implementation of Vietnam’s 2012 Law on Co-operatives and for proposing amendments and supplements to the law, he said the revision would create a strong foundation for co-operatives in the time to come.

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