Tien Giang farmers’ cow breeding

A cow breeding project to improve the livelihood of poor farmers has been launched in the southern province of Tien Giang.

It is partly funded by Canadian Heifer International and the Norwegian Mission Alliance Vietnam.

The project has an investment of VND18.2 billion, including VND14.2 billion from the Canadian and Norwegian organisations. It will be carried out from now until June 2017.

As many as 2,400 poor households in Phu Thanh and Phu Dong communes in Tan Phu Dong district will benefit from the project.

In the first phase, 300 households will each receive a cow worth VND12 million while 300 others will be given a preferential loan of VND8 million per household to breed pigs, goats, poultry or aquatic animals.

The remaining 1,800 households will be supported in the second phase.

The programme aims to raise incomes, ensure food safety and nutrition for the beneficiaries as well as improve their awareness.

It also creates opportunities for them to access other sources of capital.

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