Plenty of opportunity to boost Vietnam-Bahrain trade ties

VOV.VN - Vietnam and Bahrain hold great potential for enhancing their trade and investment ties if they both take advantage of their opportunities ahead, according to Sheik Daij bin Isa Al Khalifa, Chairman of the ASEAN-Bahrain Business Council.

Two-way trade between Vietnam and Bahrain currently reaches US$50 million a year, a figure which is quite modest compared to the size and capacity of both sides, Sheik Daij told in an interview on September 16.

To enhance bilateral trade, he said the two governments need to play an active role in encouraging their business communities to cooperate with each other through organsing visit exchanges or business and cultural activities.

“I think Vietnam’s key export products such as furniture, paper products, agricultural products, textiles, medical equipment, footwear and electronics products may be the first items to be promoted in Bahrain, besides many other products,” said the business executive.

He suggested that the Government of Vietnam organize a business delegation to visit Bahrain to learn about the business environment and available opportunities there.

The ASEAN-Bahrain Business Council is ready to support any firm from Vietnam who wants to do business in Bahrain, said Sheik Daij.

He revealed the ASEAN-Bahrain Business Council is considering opening a trade center in Bahrain, which is expected to serve as a bridge to connect businesses of both countries.

Sheik Daij expressed his belief that Vietnam and Bahrain will have a wealth of opportunities to promote their trade and investment ties in the future as Bahrain is the financial hub of the Middle East while Vietnam is emerging as one of the pioneers in manufacturing in Southeast Asia.

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