Noi Bai Int'l airport plans to triple capacity with US$3.4 billion runway

The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam has submitted to the Ministry of Transport a plan to build the third runway at Hanoi's Noi Bai International Airport, local media reported on July 14.

In the proposal, the agency, better known as CAAV, recommended three different construction options with costs ranging from around VND38.8 trillion to nearly VND76 trillion (US$1.75-US$3.43 billion).

The options have different locations, which lead to different land compensation rates. 

The new runway is part of an effort to increase the capacity of Vietnam's second largest airport to 50 million passengers a year after 2020. Two new terminals are expected to be added. 

Noi Bai, with two terminals, served 14 million passengers last year, almost reaching its designed capacity of 16 million a year.
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