Lang Son needs ODA for 96 infrastructure projects

The northern border province of Lang Son is calling for official development assistance (ODA) and other sources for 96 projects, mainly in infrastructure building, said a provincial leader.

At a conference to call for ODA on November 1, Nguyen Van Binh, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, said Lang Son is in need of VND29.6 trillion (US$1.3 trillion), accounting for 25-28% of its total investment. 

As a locality with low and unsustainable economic growth, slow economic change, poor infrastructure and education as well as inadequate healthcare development, Lang Son has given priority to the construction of modern infrastructure, especially major projects in the Dong Dang-Lang Son border gate economic zone, he said. 

The province will focus on developing a trans-provincial road system and roads connecting its districts, and upgrading water drainage and waste treatment systems. 

Education and healthcare infrastructure in poor districts will also be improved, while human resources development and the modernisation of administrative agencies in districts will also be supported, bettering the investment environment. 

According to the provincial People’s Committee, ODA has been allocated in the province since 1995. To date, the locality has received VND3 trillion (US$1.42 trillion), with 80% of which being ODA. Notably, it has implemented a VND33 billion forestation project funded by the German Government. 

So far, 37 out of 44 ODA projects worth VND1.6 trillion in total have been completed. The remaining seven capitalised at VND1.4 trillion, are underway, focusing on transport, agricultural and rural development, health care and education. 

Major ODA providers include the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the Finnish Government, and the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), among others. 

During the conference, the province signed a memorandum of understanding with KOICA and Shinhan Bank of the Republic of Korea on cooperation in building local schools.

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