HCM City ready to provide optimal conditions for UK businesses

VOV.VN - Ho Chi Minh City welcomes and is ready to create the best conditions for British businesses to invest in the city, especially in building infrastructure for transport, healthcare, education, and e-government.

Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong made the remark at a February 24 reception for the visiting UK Secretary of State for International Trade Liam Fox.

Phong said the Secretary’s visit opened up cooperation opportunities for British and Vietnamese businesses and increasing the trade value between the two nations as well as between HCM City and the UK.

The Minister said Vietnam is one of the UK’s prioritized partners adding that both countries have many potential areas for further cooperation. 

Mr Fox said his nation is ready to help Ho Chi Minh City develop an e-government and a smart urban area, adding that the UK business associations are willing to work with the municipal authorities to encourage British small and medium-sized enterprises to invest in HCM City.

The UK is a big trade partner of HCM City with two-way trade reaching US$826 million last year.

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