Bustling Quang An flower market ahead of International Women’s Day

VOV.VN - A vibrant atmosphere has descended on Quang An flower market as International Women’s Day draws near on March 8. Recent days have seen the prices of flowers increase sharply, with some seeing a 3-fold increase compared to normal days.

On special occasions such as International Women’s Day, Quang An flower market in Tay Ho district, Hanoi, is brimming with traders and sellers hawking their goods
Some traders use cars to transport flowers to and from the flower market
During these hectic days, many traders go sleepless during the night to purchase flowers and then transport them for distribution at another local market
Roses with a variety of colours are the most popular flowers for International Women’s Day
Red roses are much sought after with prices ranging between VND10,000 and VND12,000 each

Some shops wrap their flowers in beautiful bouquets
The prices of many flowers triple in comparison to normal trading days.
A flower shop with their products on display in the market
Traders in Quang An flower market can earn profits of dozens of millions of Vietnamese dong due the willingness of customers to spend big for the special occasion

Quang An market often remains open at night and early in the morning each day. This is the largest flower market in Hanoi.
Decorative items for flowers can also be found on sale in the market
Flowers in Quang An flower market are transported from Tay Tuu, Gia Lam, Phuc Yen, Da Lat, and Lao Cai.
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