Algerian firm seeks cooperation opportunities with Vietnamese businesses

VOV.VN - Groupe des Frères Rahmoune (GFR), a family firm of Algeria, held a working session on August 21 with the Embassy and Trade Office of Vietnam in Algeria, whilst taking part in an online meeting with Vietnamese businesses in a bid to build a partnership in automobile and motorbike import-export, packaging, agriculture, construction materials, and tourism.

Operating in the fields of commerce, industry, and agriculture since 1986 in Algeria, so far the GFR has had 12 member companies, including one specialising in automobile and motorbike import-export in Dubai.

The firm’s business portfolio includes fields of brick and ceramics manufacturing, building materials trade, the food industry, tourism, real estate, milk production and bakery, along with the import and distribution of automobiles and motorcycles. It is also in the process of expanding to other business areas.

At the meeting, Vietnamese Ambassador to Algeria Tran Quoc Khanh and Trade Counselor Hoang Duc Nhuan highlighted the Vietnamese side’s various economic achievements, potential, and strengths in areas of GFR’s interest, as well as pledging to help connect it with Vietnamese enterprises.

Ahmed Rahmoune, CEO of GFR, showed his interest in setting up partnership with Vietnamese businesses, thereby underlining the possibility of partnering with Truong Hai Auto Corporation (THACO) in importing and distributing buses, tractors, and motorcycles. It also desires to co-operate with VinGroup in distributing VinFast electric cars and motorbikes in Algeria.

GFR works alongside Mecanimex company to seek suppliers of large-sized packages for its cement and clinker factory, in addition to other Vietnamese firms to find suppliers of molasses which can meet the import demand of more than 36,000 tonnes per year for the bakery chains of member companies.

Ahmed Rahmoune said that the firm is in the process of seeking a partner to build a water park at the group's coastal resort, as well as being interested in co-operating with Vietnamese peers in other areas such as renewable energy, aquatic farming, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications.

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Trade forum enhances Vietnam - Algeria business connectivity
Trade forum enhances Vietnam - Algeria business connectivity

VOV.VN - As many as 13 Vietnamese enterprises and 25 Algerian firms gathered at a direct and virtual trade exchange programme held on June 18, aiming to strengthen connectivity and seek additional business opportunities.

Trade forum enhances Vietnam - Algeria business connectivity

Trade forum enhances Vietnam - Algeria business connectivity

VOV.VN - As many as 13 Vietnamese enterprises and 25 Algerian firms gathered at a direct and virtual trade exchange programme held on June 18, aiming to strengthen connectivity and seek additional business opportunities.