Vietnam - Brunei Joint Statement
Vietnam and Brunei issued a joint statement on the occasion of the State visit of Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang to Brunei from August 26-28.
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1. At the invitation of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, His Excellency Tran Dai Quang, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam made a State Visit to Brunei Darussalam on 26 - 28 August 2016. This was the third State Visit to Brunei Darussalam by a Head of State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
2. During the visit, both Leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations as well as on regional and international issues of common interest in a warm and cordial atmosphere.
3. Both Leaders expressed pleasure on the good progress in strengthening bilateral cooperation since the establishment of diplomatic relations on 29 February 1992; recognised the significance of the President’s visit in reaffirming the close friendship enjoyed between the two countries and people; and reiterated the spirit of the Joint Statement in 2012.
4. Both Leaders looked forward to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2017 with activities to deepen mutual understanding and people-to-people linkages.
5. His Majesty congratulated the Vietnamese people on their achievements through the Socio-Economic Development Plans as envisioned in the “Doi Moi” policy. His Majesty expressed confidence that under His Excellency’s leadership, Vietnam will achieve its target to become an industrialised country by 2020.
6. His Excellency also commended the efforts undertaken by His Majesty’s Government in implementing various strategic plans towards achieving the goals of “Wawasan Brunei 2035”, which aims to make Brunei Darussalam widely recognised for the achievements of its educated and highly skilled people, high quality of life, and a dynamic and sustainable economy.
7. Both Leaders welcomed the increased interactions at all levels and agreed to strengthen the existing bilateral consultative mechanisms. In this regard, both Leaders agreed to the early convening of the Joint Commission Meeting (JCM) to further deepen and expand cooperation between both countries.
8. Both Leaders acknowledged the common aspirations of pursuing economic diversification and recognised the role of the private sectors in enhancing competitiveness and encouraged continued mutual sharing of best practices to identify potential areas of cooperation.
9. Both Leaders underscored the importance in further enhancing bilateral cooperation in trade and investment, particularly in energy, agriculture and fisheries, education, labour, air services, people-to-people exchanges and defence. Both sides also looked forward to explore cooperation in the areas of transnational crimes, extradition and transfer of sentenced persons.
10. Both Leaders also reiterated their commitment to deepen economic relations between Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam with the objective of reaching a bilateral trade target of US$500 million by the year 2025 and facilitate greater business and investment opportunities between the two countries. Hence, both sides welcomed the signing of the MOU on Economic and Trade Cooperation between the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Brunei Darussalam in supporting efforts to achieve the bilateral trade target. Both sides are confident that the MOU would also further the objectives of the Trade Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, signed on 12 November 2001.
11. Both Leaders noted the importance of promoting energy cooperation and expressed satisfaction with the energy cooperation between Brunei National Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad (PetroleumBRUNEI) and Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) and welcomed the recent completion of the Maharaja Lela South platform.
12. Both Leaders noted the progress made in implementing the MOU on Cooperation in Agriculture and Fisheries signed in May 2013. His Majesty expressed appreciation for the exchanges of expertise on rice production as well as other crops, and agreed to consider extension of the exchanges. Both Leaders agreed to enhance economic and development cooperation in fisheries sector, and the importance of fostering exchanges and mutual understanding between the two countries.
13. Both Leaders welcomed cooperation in labour and looked forward to negotiations on the MOU on Labour Cooperation.
14. Both Leaders recognised the important role of people-to-people exchanges and welcomed the signings of the MOU on Education Cooperation in April 2014 and the MOU between Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam and FPT University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam in July 2013. Brunei Darussalam expressed appreciation for Vietnam’s continued participation in the Brunei - US English Language Enrichment Programme for ASEAN.
15. Both Leaders highly appreciate connectivity between the two countries and welcomed the resumption of direct flights between Bandar Seri Begawan and Ho Chi Minh City in October 2014 especially in further promoting closer ties between the peoples of Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam. Both sides also looked forward to the signing of the Agreement on Maritime Transport.
16. Both Leaders welcomed the signing of the MOU on Cultural Cooperation and expressed hope that this will positively contribute to deeper understanding and appreciation of both countries’ heritage and culture.
17. Both Leaders expressed satisfaction with the progress made in defence under the MOU between Royal Brunei Navy and Vietnam People’s Navy on Bilateral Cooperation signed in December 2013. His Majesty expressed appreciation on Vietnam’s continued support of Brunei International Tattoo, and Brunei International Shooting Skill-at-Arms Meet (BISAM). On the regional level, His Majesty expressed appreciation on Vietnam’s participation in the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM)-Plus Maritime Security and Counter-Terrorism Exercise on 2 - 12 May 2016 in Bandar Seri Begawan and Singapore. Both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation between their armed forces, particularly of the Navy and training for the respective military personnel.
18. His Excellency acknowledged Brunei Darussalam’s role as an active player in regional affairs and expressed appreciation for His Majesty’s long-standing leadership and valuable contributions to ASEAN.
19. Both Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to upholding peace, stability, and prosperity in the region, including advancing ASEAN community building efforts through the full and effective implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. To these ends, both sides emphasised the importance of peaceful resolution of disputes in the region.
20. Both Leaders agreed to implement fully and effectively the Declaration of Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and work closely together towards the early conclusion of the Code of Conduct (COC). Both sides also reaffirmed the importance of ASEAN’s central role in the regional security architecture.
21. Both sides reiterated their commitment to continue enhancing consultations on areas of common interest in other regional and international fora such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), United Nations (UN) and World Trade Organization (WTO).
22. Both Leaders welcomed the strengthening of economic ties in the region, particularly through the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) on 4 February 2016 and looked forward to the ratification of the TPP by all Parties.
23. His Majesty expressed Brunei Darussalam’s full support for Vietnam’s Chairmanship of APEC in 2017 and wished the Government and people the very best in their preparations.
24. His Excellency expressed appreciation for the warm welcome and kind hospitality accorded to him and his delegation and looked forward to welcoming His Majesty and members of the Royal Family to visit Vietnam in the near future.