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Submitted by unname1 on Fri, 09/16/2011 - 16:44
Denmark's center-left "Red Bloc" headed by Helle Thorning-Schmidt narrowly won general elections on September 15 after 10 years in opposition, paving the way for the country's first female head of government.

With all votes counted, the center-left gained 50.3 percent of the total votes and 92 seats of the country's 179-seat parliament, which means the center-right coalition, led by Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen, lost its decade-long hold on power.

The country has witnessed a consolidation of bloc politics over the past decade, with government and opposition parties sharply divided over many issues of national importance.

The two largest opposition parties, the Social Democratic Party and Socialist People's Party, form the Red Bloc. The far-left Red-Green Alliance has also been drawn into the same coalition, clearing the way for a center-left victory.

The Red-Green Alliance, the biggest winner of the 2011 election, has tripled its seats from 4 to 12. It wants to roll back the current immigration policy, limit the influence of the EU on Danish politics, and strongly supports mainstreaming of climate issues.

Denmark is a multi-party, representative democracy. Danes still need to cast their votes to elect 179 members to the Folketing, the country's unicameral parliament.

Under Danish law, 175 of all parliamentarians will be elected in mainland Denmark, while two each will be elected from Greenland and the Faroe Islands, which are autonomous territories of Denmark.


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