Football Dream seeks VN talent

The Football Dream is continuing testing in different cities and provinces to recruit talented footballers from Vietnam.

It is the sixth time the project seeks to attract children aged 13-14 who will be tested and trained by experts from Qatar's Aspire Academy and European giant Barcelona FC.

The testing days are July 19-26, with the selection day being August 11-13 in Ho Chi Minh City, where trainers will choose 30 players who proved outstanding during the tests.

The Football Dream is a non-profit international programme, taking place in 16 countries around the world this year.

Three best young football talents in each country will compete in the world's final round in Qatar. Selected players will receive a three-year training course at Aspire Academy.

Previously, several Vietnamese were selected to compete in the final rounds, as two of them, Nguyen Hong Son and Nguyen Thai Sung, received scholarships.

Sung is now a member of SHB Danang's youth team and the national U19 squad. Son is still training in Qatar.

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