“Destination–Vietnam” exhibition highlights Vietnam-Russia cultural ties

A historical document exhibition themed “Destination – Vietnam” kicked off at the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI) in Moscow on May 15 as part of activities to celebrate the Vietnam-Russia and Russia-Vietnam year.

It is open to visitors from May 16 to June 14, showcasing archives on cultural relations between Vietnam and the Soviet Union since 1950s when Russian director Roman Karmen made a colour documentary titled “Vietnam”.

Vietnamese directors were involved in the making of the movie, which was filmed in extremely difficult conditions during the wartime, recording the resistance war against French colonialism and the first years of peace in the north of Vietnam.

After the movie, bilateral cultural relations in 1965-1975 intensified. Many writers and poets from the Soviet Union made fact-finding tours to Vietnam to witness the country’s peace building and production to support the south which was still submerged in the fire of war.

The culture and art cooperation thrived after peace returned in Vietnam and has continued to today with the organisation of cultural days.

Dang Thanh Tung, Director of the National Archives of Vietnam, told reporters from Vietnam News Agency that cooperation between Vietnam and Russia in archives has developed strongly in recent years.

The two sides have carried out many projects and translated and published rare documents on the two countries’ historical milestones, he added.

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