Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam art show opens

A Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam (CLV) art show opened in Champasac province, southern Laos on December 8 as part of the 10th Meeting of the Joint Coordination Committee of the CLV Development Triangle Area from December 7-11.

During the three-day event, art troupes from 13 provinces in the area will entertain viewers with special art performances featuring their local cultural identities. 

Artists from Vietnam’s Central Highlands region devoted songs and dances symbolising the highlanders’ characteristics (Source:VNA)

In the first night of the show, artists from Vietnam’s Central Highlands region devoted songs and dances symbolising the highlanders’ characteristics, receiving warm response from audiences. 

The art show aims to promote cultural exchanges among people in the development triangle area and the three countries in general, contributing to enhance their understanding of each member country’s culture, landscapes and people.
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