Car companies are offering new door-to-door services and digitised shopping experiences to boost consumption amid the latest outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam.
The General Department of Taxation under the Ministry of Finance (MoF) is studying a proposal on increasing the threshold of taxable revenue for individual landlords renting out houses.
Bus companies, railway and airline firms have been struggling to survive amid the impacts of COVID-19 for a year and a half.
Investment in Ho Chi Minh City’s industrial parks and processing zones have risen by nearly 23% year-on-year so far this year to US$236.1 million.
The shortage of electronic chips is causing difficulties for businesses and electronics manufacturers as chipsets are used in most electronic products and technological devices.
Many tourism-related firms that have borrowed from banks are facing foreclosure due to the latest outbreak of COVID-19 infections.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has urged firms to be cautious when doing business with companies in India that were severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Experts have warned that a firm legal framework and strict punishment measures are needed to manage virtual financial investment platforms, which they say are now out of control.
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has supported Ho Chi Minh City’s proposal to retain 23% of its budget revenues, up from the previous 18%, to create conditions for sustainable development.
Vietnamese logistics enterprises reported outstanding business results in the first quarter of 2021.